The news just in that 5 of Hindraf office bearers were detained under the cruel Internal Se
curity Act (ISA). I have to categorically say here that the use of this law is a blatant abuse of power by the BN government and is unjustified under any circumstances. I am a Muslim and a Malay. However, I cannot stand on the face of this earth without stating my utmost resentment for this kind of action which was carried out under the so-called Islam Hadharian government. I can assure everybody that this action totally contradicts the Islamic tenets and presumably against other religious teachings as well. Even under a healthy democratic society, there is no room for this kind of oppressive law. But somehow, we have seen time and again UMNO leaders using ISA to suppress freedom of expression and to silent the opposition voice.
I challenge Pak Lah and his goons to charge the detainees in court if they are really truthful and sincere on the well-being of our fellow Malaysians. How could you detain innocent civilians and then accuse them with all kind of revolting crimes and leave them without any legal recourse to defend themselves? Just because they are against UMNO and BN do not make them the enemy of the nation. You and I may disagree with their point of view, but I think that is normal under any democratic practices, isn’t it? I always believe that there is such thing as intellectual debate or dialogue which can be used to settle our differences. After all, we have been living together as one nation for years. We must learn to respect our differences and tolerate dissents. What are we going to tell our children with regard to Pak Lah and UMNO’s treatment to people’s protest and dissenters? Ain’t that supposed to be the traits of a democratic and good government by allowing freedom of expression and gathering? However, sad to say, this government has lost its shine and has reached the expiry date.
As for the Indians and Hindraf, my advice is, it is okay to love and fight for the well-being of your race, but do not do it at the expense of other races. Do bear in mind that the downtrodden and the less fortunate are also found in other races. In fact, we are all the victims of UMNOputra, MCAputra and MICputra. Therefore, make it a Malaysian affair if you truly want our support.
The people must rise and act now by throwing their supports behind the opposition. We must have the moral courage to institute change. Do not be petty or attach too many conditions before you pledge the support. Despite some shortcomings and weaknesses, I’m sure the opposition front is way better then BN. UMNO and BN WILL NEVER CHANGE. They have brainwashed us for 50 odd years into thinking that everything that happen in this country are all race-related issues and only BN can ensure the safety and stability of our multi-racial society. We must resist this kind of stereotyping. We have the opportunity now to build something better together minus BN. It is either now or never!
Kita baru saja menerima berita bahawa 5 orang pemimpin Hindraf telah ditahan di bawah akta zalim Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Saya perlu menegaskan di sini bahawa penggunaan undang-undang ini adalah langkah jelas penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh kerajaan BN dan tidak dapat dijustifikasikan di dalam apa keadaan sekali pun. Saya adalah seorang Islam dan juga seorang Melayu. Walaubagaimanapun, saya tidak dapat berdiri tegak di muka bumi ini tanpa menyatakan rasa meluat yang amat sangat terhadap langkah sebegini yang dilaksanakan di bawah kerajaan Islam Hadhari. Biar saya beri jaminan kepada semua bahawa tindakan Pak Lah ini bercanggah sepenuhnya dengan hukum hakam Islam dan mungkin juga dengan ajaran agama lain. Malah di bawah masyarakat demokratik yang sihat sekalipun, tidak ada ruang untuk undang-undang yang menindas sebegini rupa. Namun apa yang kita lihat ialah pimpinan UMNO berulangkali menggunakan ISA untuk menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan untuk menutup mulut pembangkang.
Saya cabar Pak Lah dan kuncu-kuncunya supaya mendakwa mereka yang ditahan di mahkamah jika mereka benar-benar jujur dan ikhlas terhadap keselamatan rakyat Malaysia. Bagaimana mungkin anda menahan orang awam yang tidak bersalah dan kemudian menuduh mereka dengan pelbagai tuduhan yang jelek dan membiarkan mereka tanpa sebarang saluran perundangan untuk membela diri mereka? Hanya disebabkan mereka menentang UMNO dan BN tidak menjadikan mereka musuh negara. Saya dan anda mungkin tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan mereka, tetapi itu adalah sesuatu yang biasa di bawah amalan demokrasi, bukan begitu? Saya sentiasa percaya bahawa terdapat di sana apa yang dipanggil perdebatan intelek atau dialog yang boleh kita gunakan untuk mengatasi perbedaan kita. Bukankah kita telah bertahun-tahun hidup bersama sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Kita perlu belajar untuk menghormati perbedaan dan bertolak ansur ke atas bantahan. Apa yang kita hendak beritahu kepada anak-anak kita akan sikap Pak Lah dan UMNO di dalam menanggani protes dan kritikan rakyat? Bukankah membenarkan kebebasan bersuara dan berhimpun itu merupakan cirri-ciri sebuah kerajaan yang baik dan demokratik? Alangkah sedihnya kerajaan yang ada hari ini telah kehilangan sinarnya dan telah luput tarikh kegunaannya!
Nasihat saya kepada kaum India dan Hindraf ialah adalah ok untuk anda mencintai dan berjuang demi kaum anda, cuma jangan lakukannya dengan cara menidakkan hak kaum lain. Anda perlu ingat bahawa terdapat mereka yang tertindas dan kurang bernasib baik di kalangan kaum-kaum lain. Malah kita semua adalah mangsa kepada UMNOputra, MCAputra, dan MICputra. Kesimpulannya, cuba jadikan ia urusan rakyat Malaysia jika anda benar-benar mahu sokongan daripada kami.
Rakyat mesti bangun dan bertindak sekarang dengan memberi sokongan kepada pembangkang. Kita semua perlu ada keberanian untuk memulakan perubahan. Janganlah terlalu remeh temeh atau meletakkan banyak syarat sebelum memberikan sokongan anda. Walaupun terdapat sedikit kelemahan dan kekurangan, saya yakin barisan pembangkang adalah jauh lebih baik daripada BN. UMNO dan BN TIDAK AKAN SEKALI-KALI BERUBAH. Mereka telah membasuh otak kita selama 50 tahun kepada berfikir bahawa setiap yang berlaku di negara ini adalah berkaitan dengan isu perkauman dan hanya BN dapat memastikan keselamatan dan kestabilan masyarakat kita yang berbilang kaum. Kita mesti menentang bentuk “stereotyping” ini. Kita mempunyai peluang sekarang untuk membina sesuatu yang lebih baik bersama tanpa BN. Samada ia sekarang atau tiada langsung!
Anak Bapa: Pooooooorah! Pak Lah

I challenge Pak Lah and his goons to charge the detainees in court if they are really truthful and sincere on the well-being of our fellow Malaysians. How could you detain innocent civilians and then accuse them with all kind of revolting crimes and leave them without any legal recourse to defend themselves? Just because they are against UMNO and BN do not make them the enemy of the nation. You and I may disagree with their point of view, but I think that is normal under any democratic practices, isn’t it? I always believe that there is such thing as intellectual debate or dialogue which can be used to settle our differences. After all, we have been living together as one nation for years. We must learn to respect our differences and tolerate dissents. What are we going to tell our children with regard to Pak Lah and UMNO’s treatment to people’s protest and dissenters? Ain’t that supposed to be the traits of a democratic and good government by allowing freedom of expression and gathering? However, sad to say, this government has lost its shine and has reached the expiry date.
As for the Indians and Hindraf, my advice is, it is okay to love and fight for the well-being of your race, but do not do it at the expense of other races. Do bear in mind that the downtrodden and the less fortunate are also found in other races. In fact, we are all the victims of UMNOputra, MCAputra and MICputra. Therefore, make it a Malaysian affair if you truly want our support.
The people must rise and act now by throwing their supports behind the opposition. We must have the moral courage to institute change. Do not be petty or attach too many conditions before you pledge the support. Despite some shortcomings and weaknesses, I’m sure the opposition front is way better then BN. UMNO and BN WILL NEVER CHANGE. They have brainwashed us for 50 odd years into thinking that everything that happen in this country are all race-related issues and only BN can ensure the safety and stability of our multi-racial society. We must resist this kind of stereotyping. We have the opportunity now to build something better together minus BN. It is either now or never!
Kita baru saja menerima berita bahawa 5 orang pemimpin Hindraf telah ditahan di bawah akta zalim Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Saya perlu menegaskan di sini bahawa penggunaan undang-undang ini adalah langkah jelas penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh kerajaan BN dan tidak dapat dijustifikasikan di dalam apa keadaan sekali pun. Saya adalah seorang Islam dan juga seorang Melayu. Walaubagaimanapun, saya tidak dapat berdiri tegak di muka bumi ini tanpa menyatakan rasa meluat yang amat sangat terhadap langkah sebegini yang dilaksanakan di bawah kerajaan Islam Hadhari. Biar saya beri jaminan kepada semua bahawa tindakan Pak Lah ini bercanggah sepenuhnya dengan hukum hakam Islam dan mungkin juga dengan ajaran agama lain. Malah di bawah masyarakat demokratik yang sihat sekalipun, tidak ada ruang untuk undang-undang yang menindas sebegini rupa. Namun apa yang kita lihat ialah pimpinan UMNO berulangkali menggunakan ISA untuk menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan untuk menutup mulut pembangkang.
Saya cabar Pak Lah dan kuncu-kuncunya supaya mendakwa mereka yang ditahan di mahkamah jika mereka benar-benar jujur dan ikhlas terhadap keselamatan rakyat Malaysia. Bagaimana mungkin anda menahan orang awam yang tidak bersalah dan kemudian menuduh mereka dengan pelbagai tuduhan yang jelek dan membiarkan mereka tanpa sebarang saluran perundangan untuk membela diri mereka? Hanya disebabkan mereka menentang UMNO dan BN tidak menjadikan mereka musuh negara. Saya dan anda mungkin tidak bersetuju dengan pandangan mereka, tetapi itu adalah sesuatu yang biasa di bawah amalan demokrasi, bukan begitu? Saya sentiasa percaya bahawa terdapat di sana apa yang dipanggil perdebatan intelek atau dialog yang boleh kita gunakan untuk mengatasi perbedaan kita. Bukankah kita telah bertahun-tahun hidup bersama sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Kita perlu belajar untuk menghormati perbedaan dan bertolak ansur ke atas bantahan. Apa yang kita hendak beritahu kepada anak-anak kita akan sikap Pak Lah dan UMNO di dalam menanggani protes dan kritikan rakyat? Bukankah membenarkan kebebasan bersuara dan berhimpun itu merupakan cirri-ciri sebuah kerajaan yang baik dan demokratik? Alangkah sedihnya kerajaan yang ada hari ini telah kehilangan sinarnya dan telah luput tarikh kegunaannya!
Nasihat saya kepada kaum India dan Hindraf ialah adalah ok untuk anda mencintai dan berjuang demi kaum anda, cuma jangan lakukannya dengan cara menidakkan hak kaum lain. Anda perlu ingat bahawa terdapat mereka yang tertindas dan kurang bernasib baik di kalangan kaum-kaum lain. Malah kita semua adalah mangsa kepada UMNOputra, MCAputra, dan MICputra. Kesimpulannya, cuba jadikan ia urusan rakyat Malaysia jika anda benar-benar mahu sokongan daripada kami.
Rakyat mesti bangun dan bertindak sekarang dengan memberi sokongan kepada pembangkang. Kita semua perlu ada keberanian untuk memulakan perubahan. Janganlah terlalu remeh temeh atau meletakkan banyak syarat sebelum memberikan sokongan anda. Walaupun terdapat sedikit kelemahan dan kekurangan, saya yakin barisan pembangkang adalah jauh lebih baik daripada BN. UMNO dan BN TIDAK AKAN SEKALI-KALI BERUBAH. Mereka telah membasuh otak kita selama 50 tahun kepada berfikir bahawa setiap yang berlaku di negara ini adalah berkaitan dengan isu perkauman dan hanya BN dapat memastikan keselamatan dan kestabilan masyarakat kita yang berbilang kaum. Kita mesti menentang bentuk “stereotyping” ini. Kita mempunyai peluang sekarang untuk membina sesuatu yang lebih baik bersama tanpa BN. Samada ia sekarang atau tiada langsung!
Anak Bapa: Pooooooorah! Pak Lah
If we stand together as bangsa Malaysia, we have a chance. This country will have a chance.
But if we are split along racial lines and be malays, chinese, indians, kadazans, ibans etc then we are heading for doom.
It is going to be 2008 in a couple more days, and we still have such inhumane law i.e. ISA. Every human being deserves their day in court.
If the government thinks Hindraf is a terror group, then charge them in court. Prove it.
I am sad for my country.
I am sad for my children's future.
Detention without trial?? Do we have law and order in this country?
You said "I challenge Pak Lah and his goons to charge the detainees in court if they are really truthful and sincere on the well-being of our fellow Malaysians. How could you detain innocent civilians and then accuse them with all kind of revolting crimes and leave them without any legal recourse to defend themselves?"
I think someone used to say "Saya pantang dicabar", I cannot be challenged. Sounds like dictatorship to me if he really said it.
We dont need this kind of leaders...Pak Lah should step down....and also several of his men who is not capable of being leaders....
Samy Velly...wat is he doing for the indians...he is only helping his people...and slipping all the money into his pocket...
He even take our money and built toll plaza's in India...What an idiot....
Nazri said that the Hindu's should always support the MIC....who is he to tell that...Samy Velly...the Bad boy should say dat....
I pity this country and the people...being discriminated by the BN leaders....
But am happy finally the Malaysians realize that they being discriminated.....
Well said. I am a Chinese but I do not like to think as a racial chauvinist. I just want to think, act and talk as a Malaysian.
Whatever we do - whether you support or voice dissension- do it as a Malaysian without regards to a specific race. Do it across racial lines as all are still human beings on the face of this earth.
"Do not be petty or attach too many conditions before you pledge the support."
yup..this is the most annoying group...on 1 hand they bitch n whine on the current state....but keep voting for it on the other hand...
I rather not call myself an Indian, but i prefer to call myself a Malaysian...I totally disagree with us fighting for our freedom divided by our race...all malaysians call Malaysia our mother land...i agree with the writter that we should all stand together and vote BN out and fight for the freedom of all Malaysian be him a Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Buddist.. it does not matter..remember Malaysians...Bersatu kita teguh...bercerai kita roboh....Malaysia Boleh...Daulat Tuanku....
Some people said that Chinese are chicken when Bersih gathering took place b'cos not many Chinese participated. Chinese like to stay back and watch. And, only when their tail has been step and bleeds so bad, then, they will take action. They tend to stay calm but will defend if it's really necessary. If you learn the Chinese martial arts, you'll be taught the same thing. Actually, kung fu is mostly practised to defend oneself. If the opponent kept on stimulating the victim, then, I'm f****** 100% sure the victim will retaliate.
WASHINGTON (Thomson Financial) - The US demanded Thursday that Malaysia provide fair treatment to five leaders of a rights group held under a security law that allows for indefinite detention without trial.
The five from ...
...The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a US non-profit law firm that helps defend freedom of all religions, charged that the destruction of Hindu temples -- some built before the start of the British colonial period almost two centuries ago -- could be an attempt to erase Hindu heritage in Malaysia......
We want to live in a peaceful country!!!! Barisan Nasional is the BEST choice!!!
To the person who wrote this. Does it mean that BN is paying you and you stand to lose the patronage with BN being out. I guess so.
Anwar have to decide whether he wants to be a Malay or an Indian, we all know he has indian blood.He should not try to have the best of both and backstab the race that has given so much power and I
believe money in the past.
DAP now wants people to believe the are Malaysian, but when they rule, we all know what will happen to the Malays.At least the Malays are willing to compromise, you think the student of LKY will have any respect for the Malays then!
I think AAB is trying to follow what Mahathir did when he was ruling the country.In order to survive as the people of all races are trying to revolt against his empty promises,he had to show his muscle so the draconian law of ISA was imposed to silent his opponents.With his bunch of brainless goons,I believe the country is getting bad to worst and many people are fed-up with his incompetent type of administration.
There were some goons in here giving out comments like they really know how the system really works.
I hope that "Opposition are SCUMS" next time, uses his brains before whining out on his ass. I'm not worried if the UMNO guys pay him a lot of sum to be bastards giving out comments on this article, it's the opposition that i'm scared of, would pay money to this kind of sorry-ass people to spread slander & make people hate the government without a concrete reasoning. It's no different than the present corrupt gomen then.
And please, we're not talking another shit about Mahathir on this issue. He's no longer in the administration. So throwing stones at the past was a dumbass matter. It's not like KeADILan gonna give up the ISA if they were to administrates us 5 years ago.
Sheeeeesh for God sake!
Malaysia is not a safe country anymore if all of these goes on. Why not we give other people a chance to prove themself right?
The government can implement all the development projects it deems good for the welfare of the people but the most cherished fundamental is freedom of the individual enshrined in our Constitution. Using the ISA sidesteps justice and implies that the government is above the courts and the system of justice. It's not right.
Dear Oppositions are scums,
I pretty sure you are an UMNO's scumbag who has sold his soul in exchange for some worthless cents. Go ahead and swallow it! It is people like you who bring shame and disgust to the Muslims and the Malays. If you insist on making similar comments in future, I suggest you go and create your own blog. Then you can curse or swear until kingdom kong. This blog is meant for sane people who understand the meaning or intellectual discussion ......
Only way we can find out if we can make a difference is to vote in the next election.
It might be that our votes will be overwhelmed by the rural voters who unfortunately for the rest of us might not know what exactly they are voting.
Don't lose hope everyone, just make sure we all vote and make it count.
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