Termenung saya memerhatikan telatah dan gelagat pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO berhubung perhimpunan 100,000 rakyat pada 11 November lepas. Cuba kita teliti ucapan dan komen mereka. Selepas itu anda boleh buat pertimbangan dan kesimpulan sendiri berhubung “mental status” mereka-mereka ini.
Pak Lah berkata, ”Protes jalanan Sabtu lepas anjuran pembangkang adalah cubaan untuk mengheret Raja-Raja ke dalam kancah politik. Penghantaran memorandum kepada Yang di Pertuan Agong adalah usaha pembangkang untuk memerangkap baginda. Saya yakin Agong adalah matang. Baginda sangat faham dan tidak akan terperangkap di dalam politik pembangkang…..”
(Saudara ingat Agong tu sapa? Tunggul kayu ke yang boleh ditipu atau dipermain-mainkan. BERSIH telah menemui SPR, menulis memo dan meminta pihak kerajaan berbuat sesuatu berhubung dengan ketidakadilan dan ketempangan SPR tetapi saudara dan kuncu-kuncu buat pekak aje kerana ia menguntungkan UMNO dan BN. Agong yang ada bukan Agong untuk ahli UMNO dan BN saja tetapi untuk seluruh rakyat. Jadi apa salah kami pi mengadu kat dia?)
Najib pula memberi komen, ”….. perhimpunan sebegini tidak wajar diadakan kerana ia akan mengundang kepada pergaduhan dan huru-hara…..”
(Kalau UMNO buat demonstrasi tak apa, siap bagi permit pula. Apa kami yang lain ini rakyat kelas 2 ke? Atikel 10 Perlembagaan Malaysia membenarkan rakyat berhimpun cara aman. Tak aman lagi ke perhimpunan kami? Kalau polis tak sembuh air asid dan tembak gas pemedih mata, nescaya tak ada langsung insiden buruk pada hari berkenaan. Namun dunia menyaksikan bagaimana displin dan tertib peserta himpunan walaupun berkali-kali dihujani air asid dan gas. Habis majlis siap kutip sampah lagi oleh Unit Amal. Jadi di mana huru-hara atau kekacauan yang disebut-sebut oleh pemimpin UMNO?)
Menteri Propaganda atau “Minister of Misinformation”, Zainuddin Maidin (Zam) pula berkata, ”Al-Jazeera sebenarnya telah mempunyai tanggapan awal (preconceived mind) dan tertipu dengan dakwaan kononnya 100,000 orang akan menyertai perhimpunan tersebut. Laporannya adalah berat sebelah dan membawa gambaran yang salah tetang Malaysia….”
(Tak habis–habis mamak tongkang ni menyerang orang lain. Wartawan Al-Jazeera sendiri berada di Mesjid Jamek pada hari berkenaan dan merasai sendiri perit gas dan air asid. Sebenarnya yang tak ada di situ ialah Zam dan tentu dia tak pernah merasa perit gas dan air asid. Jadi berat sebelah yang macamana? Sebenarnya yang berat sebelah ialah media Malaysia termasuk yang elektronik dan bercetak. Cerita tak betul, pembohong dan sesetengah tu pula langsung “news blackout”. Saudara tengoklah dulu status media negara ni yang kerjanya menjilat pemimpin UMNO/BN dan memutarbelitkan berita pembangkang, baru komen tentang media asing. Lagipun nak banding RTM dengan Al-Jazeera tak payahlah, macam langit dengan bumi!)
Nazri Aziz ketika perbahasan di dalam Parlimen menegaskan, “ Jika saya ingin mengambarkan keadaan otak pembangkang di dalam bahasa orang muda hari ini, saya boleh berkata wayar-wayar otak mereka dah terputus. Macamana Anwar boleh kata SPR tidak adil sedangkan dia belum bertanding lagi. Jangan menyeret Agong ke dalam isu perhimpunan ini kerana baginda dan rakyat bersama dengan kita. Pembangkang takut kalah di dalam pilihanraya akan datang. Jika dah tak berani jangan pula jadi pondan…..”
(Wah…wah! Otak yang tak center ialah otak saudara. Bercakap melalut, merapu tak tentu arah macam orang gila. Kalau menteri kepala hotak macam ni baik lantik Pengerusi JKK kampung ganti tempat saudara lagi baik. Kalau rakyat tak sokong pembangkang, kenapa saudara takut sangat. Kalau nak mengampu tu janganlah sampai terlalu rendah ke tahap tak ada maruah. Tiap-tiap kali saudara buka mulut yang keluar hanya hampas yang jijik dan meloyakan. Bukan Anwar seorang yang nak bertanding pilihanraya, ramai lagi yang dah pernah bertanding dan memang jelas dengan bukti UMNO/BN bersekongkol dengan SPR untuk menipu. Kalau nak tengok bukti kami boleh beri dengan lengkap. Pengerusi SPR sendiri mengakui kelemahan sistem pilihanraya negara dan perlu dirombak untuk menjamin keadilan. Pemimpin UMNO macam saudara memang suka jadi penipu sebab tu dok mempertahankan sistem yang dah reput. Agong ni milik semua rakyat dan bukan hak mak bapa UMNO. Dahlah saudara dan kuncu-kuncu buat duit negara macam duit mak bapa sendiri, Agong pun saudara nak milikUMNOkan. Muka tak malu dan memang kau orang sebenarnya pondan…..)
Timbalan Zam, Ahmad Zahid pula berkata, “Walaupun kami membenarkan RTM membuat liputan perhimpunan tersebut, kami lakukan dengan tujuan untuk menunjukkan bahawa demonstrasi adalah tidak demokratik dan boleh menjejaskan imej negara dan menjauhkan pelabur asing….”
(Pulak…Tidak demokratik? Kalau macam tu tak ada negara yang demokratik di dalam dunia sebab boleh kata semua negara membenarkan demonstrasi. Di Amerika, England, Itali, Indonesia dan banyak lagi negara, demonstrasi sentiasa di adakan secara besar-besaran membabitkan ratusan ribu rakyat. Apakah mereka ini tidak demokratik. Otak kau orang ni macam katak bawah tempurung. Elok Pak Lah sesekali bawa menteri-menterinya berjalan-jalan dengan kapalterbang supaya kayu-kayu ni dapat lihat macamana keadaan demokrasi negara orang lain. Kes rasuah yang berleluasa dan kehakiman yang boleh dibeli ini sebenarnya yang menjejaskan imej negara dan menakutkan para pelabur asing. Yang tu kenapa tak diperbetulkan?)
Rafidah Aziz berkata, “Pelabur asing tidak ambil peduli tentang demonstrasi atau perarakan jalanan. Mereka tetap mahu melabur di Malaysia. Apa yang penting ialah polisi bisnes negara……Saya beri nasihat kepada rakyat supaya menyedari apa yang pembangkang sedang cuba lakukan. Ia adalah satu tindakan yang negatif…..”
(Macamana pulak ni, seorang kata demonstrasi boleh menakutkan pelabur asing dan seorang lagi pula kata ia tidak memberi apa-apa kesan kepada pelabur asing? Yang mana satu betul? Rakyat memang menyedari bahawa selama ini mereka seringkali diperbodohkan oleh pimpinan UMNO. Kini mereka sudah celik dan sedar apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Itu sebabnya mereka beramai-ramai turun ke jalan-jalan raya. Tindakan mereka ini sangat mulia kerana ingin membuat perubahan pada sistem pemerintahan UMNO/BN yang bobrok lagi korup. Jalan lain dah habis ditutup oleh UMNO…..)
Menteri Besar Pahang, Adnan Yaakob berkata, “Langkah-langkah mencegah, termasuk menggunakan ISA perlu dikenakan terhadap mereka yang mengalakkan kegiatan tidak sihat dan pertempuran. Keselamatan negara adalah paling utama daripada permintaan pihak pembangkang atau undang-undang dan hak asasi manusia. Saya tidak bersedia untuk menyaksikan perpecahan masyarakat. Jika mereka terpaksa gunakan ISA, gunakanlah….”
(Ni lagi seorang pemimpin UMNO yang bangap hasil daripada sindrom “foot in the mouth disease”. Cakap macam orang tak mengaji sekolah. Yang tidak selamat bukan negara ooiii tetapi UMNO. Cakap aje UMNO tak selamat dengan bangkitnya rakyat dan bukan negara. Dan negara tu sapa kalau bukan rakyatnya. Cakap berbelit-belit pasal apa? Cara saudara cakap seolah-olah boleh buat apa saja kepada rakyat asalkan UMNO selamat. Nampaknya tunggu hari aje UMNO dengan pimpinan macam ni…..)
Anak Bapa: Ada 2 implikasi daripada telatah dan gelagat pimpinan UMNO ini. Pertama, sudah terang lagi bersuluh betapa bercelaru pemikiran mereka dan kita minta Allah lindungi kita daripada jenis pimpinan macam ni untuk 5 tahun lagi. Kedua, ini bermakna himpunan rakyat baru-baru ini sangat berjaya kerana UMNO begitu mengelabah lantas menjadi sasau. Pendek kata kita kena buat banyak lagi program serupa. Saya cadangkan himpunan rakyat bagi menghantar memo kepada Sultan Perak di Perak pula (kerana baginda adalah jurucakap kepada Majlis Raja-Raja). Harap BERSIH boleh pertimbangkan dengan serius…..
Pak Lah berkata, ”Protes jalanan Sabtu lepas anjuran pembangkang adalah cubaan untuk mengheret Raja-Raja ke dalam kancah politik. Penghantaran memorandum kepada Yang di Pertuan Agong adalah usaha pembangkang untuk memerangkap baginda. Saya yakin Agong adalah matang. Baginda sangat faham dan tidak akan terperangkap di dalam politik pembangkang…..”
(Saudara ingat Agong tu sapa? Tunggul kayu ke yang boleh ditipu atau dipermain-mainkan. BERSIH telah menemui SPR, menulis memo dan meminta pihak kerajaan berbuat sesuatu berhubung dengan ketidakadilan dan ketempangan SPR tetapi saudara dan kuncu-kuncu buat pekak aje kerana ia menguntungkan UMNO dan BN. Agong yang ada bukan Agong untuk ahli UMNO dan BN saja tetapi untuk seluruh rakyat. Jadi apa salah kami pi mengadu kat dia?)
Najib pula memberi komen, ”….. perhimpunan sebegini tidak wajar diadakan kerana ia akan mengundang kepada pergaduhan dan huru-hara…..”
(Kalau UMNO buat demonstrasi tak apa, siap bagi permit pula. Apa kami yang lain ini rakyat kelas 2 ke? Atikel 10 Perlembagaan Malaysia membenarkan rakyat berhimpun cara aman. Tak aman lagi ke perhimpunan kami? Kalau polis tak sembuh air asid dan tembak gas pemedih mata, nescaya tak ada langsung insiden buruk pada hari berkenaan. Namun dunia menyaksikan bagaimana displin dan tertib peserta himpunan walaupun berkali-kali dihujani air asid dan gas. Habis majlis siap kutip sampah lagi oleh Unit Amal. Jadi di mana huru-hara atau kekacauan yang disebut-sebut oleh pemimpin UMNO?)
Menteri Propaganda atau “Minister of Misinformation”, Zainuddin Maidin (Zam) pula berkata, ”Al-Jazeera sebenarnya telah mempunyai tanggapan awal (preconceived mind) dan tertipu dengan dakwaan kononnya 100,000 orang akan menyertai perhimpunan tersebut. Laporannya adalah berat sebelah dan membawa gambaran yang salah tetang Malaysia….”
(Tak habis–habis mamak tongkang ni menyerang orang lain. Wartawan Al-Jazeera sendiri berada di Mesjid Jamek pada hari berkenaan dan merasai sendiri perit gas dan air asid. Sebenarnya yang tak ada di situ ialah Zam dan tentu dia tak pernah merasa perit gas dan air asid. Jadi berat sebelah yang macamana? Sebenarnya yang berat sebelah ialah media Malaysia termasuk yang elektronik dan bercetak. Cerita tak betul, pembohong dan sesetengah tu pula langsung “news blackout”. Saudara tengoklah dulu status media negara ni yang kerjanya menjilat pemimpin UMNO/BN dan memutarbelitkan berita pembangkang, baru komen tentang media asing. Lagipun nak banding RTM dengan Al-Jazeera tak payahlah, macam langit dengan bumi!)
Nazri Aziz ketika perbahasan di dalam Parlimen menegaskan, “ Jika saya ingin mengambarkan keadaan otak pembangkang di dalam bahasa orang muda hari ini, saya boleh berkata wayar-wayar otak mereka dah terputus. Macamana Anwar boleh kata SPR tidak adil sedangkan dia belum bertanding lagi. Jangan menyeret Agong ke dalam isu perhimpunan ini kerana baginda dan rakyat bersama dengan kita. Pembangkang takut kalah di dalam pilihanraya akan datang. Jika dah tak berani jangan pula jadi pondan…..”
(Wah…wah! Otak yang tak center ialah otak saudara. Bercakap melalut, merapu tak tentu arah macam orang gila. Kalau menteri kepala hotak macam ni baik lantik Pengerusi JKK kampung ganti tempat saudara lagi baik. Kalau rakyat tak sokong pembangkang, kenapa saudara takut sangat. Kalau nak mengampu tu janganlah sampai terlalu rendah ke tahap tak ada maruah. Tiap-tiap kali saudara buka mulut yang keluar hanya hampas yang jijik dan meloyakan. Bukan Anwar seorang yang nak bertanding pilihanraya, ramai lagi yang dah pernah bertanding dan memang jelas dengan bukti UMNO/BN bersekongkol dengan SPR untuk menipu. Kalau nak tengok bukti kami boleh beri dengan lengkap. Pengerusi SPR sendiri mengakui kelemahan sistem pilihanraya negara dan perlu dirombak untuk menjamin keadilan. Pemimpin UMNO macam saudara memang suka jadi penipu sebab tu dok mempertahankan sistem yang dah reput. Agong ni milik semua rakyat dan bukan hak mak bapa UMNO. Dahlah saudara dan kuncu-kuncu buat duit negara macam duit mak bapa sendiri, Agong pun saudara nak milikUMNOkan. Muka tak malu dan memang kau orang sebenarnya pondan…..)
Timbalan Zam, Ahmad Zahid pula berkata, “Walaupun kami membenarkan RTM membuat liputan perhimpunan tersebut, kami lakukan dengan tujuan untuk menunjukkan bahawa demonstrasi adalah tidak demokratik dan boleh menjejaskan imej negara dan menjauhkan pelabur asing….”
(Pulak…Tidak demokratik? Kalau macam tu tak ada negara yang demokratik di dalam dunia sebab boleh kata semua negara membenarkan demonstrasi. Di Amerika, England, Itali, Indonesia dan banyak lagi negara, demonstrasi sentiasa di adakan secara besar-besaran membabitkan ratusan ribu rakyat. Apakah mereka ini tidak demokratik. Otak kau orang ni macam katak bawah tempurung. Elok Pak Lah sesekali bawa menteri-menterinya berjalan-jalan dengan kapalterbang supaya kayu-kayu ni dapat lihat macamana keadaan demokrasi negara orang lain. Kes rasuah yang berleluasa dan kehakiman yang boleh dibeli ini sebenarnya yang menjejaskan imej negara dan menakutkan para pelabur asing. Yang tu kenapa tak diperbetulkan?)
Rafidah Aziz berkata, “Pelabur asing tidak ambil peduli tentang demonstrasi atau perarakan jalanan. Mereka tetap mahu melabur di Malaysia. Apa yang penting ialah polisi bisnes negara……Saya beri nasihat kepada rakyat supaya menyedari apa yang pembangkang sedang cuba lakukan. Ia adalah satu tindakan yang negatif…..”
(Macamana pulak ni, seorang kata demonstrasi boleh menakutkan pelabur asing dan seorang lagi pula kata ia tidak memberi apa-apa kesan kepada pelabur asing? Yang mana satu betul? Rakyat memang menyedari bahawa selama ini mereka seringkali diperbodohkan oleh pimpinan UMNO. Kini mereka sudah celik dan sedar apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Itu sebabnya mereka beramai-ramai turun ke jalan-jalan raya. Tindakan mereka ini sangat mulia kerana ingin membuat perubahan pada sistem pemerintahan UMNO/BN yang bobrok lagi korup. Jalan lain dah habis ditutup oleh UMNO…..)
Menteri Besar Pahang, Adnan Yaakob berkata, “Langkah-langkah mencegah, termasuk menggunakan ISA perlu dikenakan terhadap mereka yang mengalakkan kegiatan tidak sihat dan pertempuran. Keselamatan negara adalah paling utama daripada permintaan pihak pembangkang atau undang-undang dan hak asasi manusia. Saya tidak bersedia untuk menyaksikan perpecahan masyarakat. Jika mereka terpaksa gunakan ISA, gunakanlah….”
(Ni lagi seorang pemimpin UMNO yang bangap hasil daripada sindrom “foot in the mouth disease”. Cakap macam orang tak mengaji sekolah. Yang tidak selamat bukan negara ooiii tetapi UMNO. Cakap aje UMNO tak selamat dengan bangkitnya rakyat dan bukan negara. Dan negara tu sapa kalau bukan rakyatnya. Cakap berbelit-belit pasal apa? Cara saudara cakap seolah-olah boleh buat apa saja kepada rakyat asalkan UMNO selamat. Nampaknya tunggu hari aje UMNO dengan pimpinan macam ni…..)
Anak Bapa: Ada 2 implikasi daripada telatah dan gelagat pimpinan UMNO ini. Pertama, sudah terang lagi bersuluh betapa bercelaru pemikiran mereka dan kita minta Allah lindungi kita daripada jenis pimpinan macam ni untuk 5 tahun lagi. Kedua, ini bermakna himpunan rakyat baru-baru ini sangat berjaya kerana UMNO begitu mengelabah lantas menjadi sasau. Pendek kata kita kena buat banyak lagi program serupa. Saya cadangkan himpunan rakyat bagi menghantar memo kepada Sultan Perak di Perak pula (kerana baginda adalah jurucakap kepada Majlis Raja-Raja). Harap BERSIH boleh pertimbangkan dengan serius…..
I found it rather ridiculous that the information ministry will be sending an official warning letter accusing Al Jazeera of being one-sided when reporting the Bersih rally while all major news media in Malaysia has been one-sided when reporting about incidents or news in Malaysia such as corruption, election, racial issues, the list can go on and on.
How often do we see the local radio, TV stations and major newspapers report comments or interviews with opposition leaders? I don't get to see Anwar or Lim Kit Siang appear on TV more than groups of impotent BN monkeys.
Zainuddin should really look back and see what our local major news media have been reporting before accusing other networks as being one-sided in reporting events happening in Malaysia. It will be like throwing shit back into our own faces if they know what our local news media have been reporting on the Bersih rally.
I pity the local journalists and news reporters working in these news media. Not only are they controlled by the ruling party in what to and what not to report, they even ended up telling lies to Malaysians. That is the kind of pathetic journalism they are practising. I don't even know if I should call it journalism anymore.
This country has racist laws that discriminate against minority citizens. Over the last 3 decades the discrimination has gotten from bad to worse.
The policies of this government reminds us of South Africa's apartheid days which was condemned by all humanity.
I wonder how these racists can reconcile their actions with the tenets of their religion.
Hisham decidedly subdued speech to Umno Youth at the party's recent general assembly was in mark contrast to his racist histrionics of last year. This showed one thing: even these morons in Umno are teachable after all.
We know that morons are slow learners, but then as we have seen even Umno morons are teachable. We just have to repeat the lessons more often, and increasing the punishment more severe each time they regress or forget their earlier lessons.
My objective as a committed cyberspace commentator is to make that rouge gallery bigger. I will not be satisfied nor will I stop, until that gallery has the country's biggest rogue included in its rooster.
This kind of word play shows a complete contempt for the intelligence of the Malaysian public.
Public perception in Malaysia is a crude measure of any institution's performance because the information provided to the public is generally packaged and filtered by Umno-controlled television station and media.
Universities are themselves fiefdoms, controlled not by qualified and capable academic administrators, but rather by Umno political appointees, many of whom have absolutely no background in education management.
Clearly it is because the results of the THES and virtually every other public or private ranking system show Malaysia institutions to be mediocre at best and most rankings do not even mention Malaysia at all.
Our neighbors like Singapore, Korea, Japan, China and Australia have a number of institutions that regularly appears in the top 100.
It makes no sense. The reality is that our universities are simply mediocre extensions of a flawed high school system. Our best students have no choice but to travel abroad to earn a decent education and must do so at great costs.
Our government has shown by example, that nepotism, deceit, corruption and bribery are the key ingredients for success in this nation.
Hahaha, once again we should appreciate the stupidity of government officials. This is great opportunity to embarrass them more……..not that they have not embarrassed themselves bad enough.
Each time I read such comments, it always makes me feel how lucky I am to out of Malaysia.
Emigration is not for everybody but those who have done so, ultimately feel highly rewarded in terms of the future for themselves and their kids. Imagine them growing in an environment devoid of racial, ethnic and religious discrimination.
More importantly, they are now exposed to a wider community that embraces multiculturism, meritocracy, fair go and personal freedom. Guess which group will be better equipped to face the future challenges in this world?
NEP as implemented has always involved using government funds for the intended beneficiaries.
When it was the intention of the government to create the richest malay to head the list of richest individuals, now announced by the prime minister, the government adopts the policy to give public funds directly or indirectly to private individuals so that he/she can become the richest individual malay in the country.
Mahathir declared that NEP would have met its objective when the government was able to create a millionaire among the malays. It was the first time he extended the objective of NEP to make malay millionaires, and facilitated the use of public funds to enrich his cronies. Badawi now extends the creation of malay millionaires to become malay billionaires, and also to lead in the list of the richest individuals in the country.
It is clear to the whole world that NEP created unfair hardships to the non-malays no matter how Umno wanted to justify it. Unlike article 153 which was supposed to be reviewed after 15 years from 1957, NEP was to be implemented for 20 years from 1970. There was no provision for extension, and the only clearly stated quantitative target was that malays were to achieve 30% of corporate ownership after 20 years.
Badawi pretended that he wanted to be a prime minister for all Malaysians, and called for malays to forgo crutches. At the same time, he conveniently resurrected NEP and extended it to 2020, and his deputy suggested the continuation until 2057, for the present.
Prime minister and his deputy promised a year ago to reveal the methodology adopted by EPU, to challenge the results of ASLI finding that the 30% target had been achieved. His recent announcement makes ASLI finding irrelevant since NEP will continue forever, whatever the actual results show.
Ordinary malays appear to accept to pay a higher price for their motor vehicles when AP system which was exploited to enrich the well connected malays, they appear happy that NEP is continued even though NEP has caused a decline to their standard of living and level of earning.
They accept that as a cost for enabling malays to lead the list of the richest individuals in the country.
I believe the Badawi son-in-law get into Oxford is because of international allocation seat and not because of intellectual or academic achievement. After all, he shows to everyone that he is brainless.
Do you think that our politicians actually care whether the universities are good? They want to produce followers, not leaders. They sent their own children overseas so that they come back to lead the followers.
Our followers think that the politicians are doing a great job by allowing more and more citizens into universities; voting them in office time after time.
There will come the time when the country is full of unemployed graduates. That is when the followers will hopefully wake up to the reality.
As for the VCs, head of departments, deans etc, they just follow the instructions and examples of their political masters. Just see all the wastage, injustice, inefficiency, discrimination, cronyism etc, and you will realise that they also have their political agendas just like their masters.
Bad intentions, bad universities.
If our forefathers can escape poverty from their former countries and make a fortune in Malaysia - in the same token, some can escape the 'education' disparity and make good in somewhere else with hardship of course.
It is ironic to find that most of not all Asians doing extremely well in the US and Europe and the so-called 'minority' have becomes very significantly important citizens (taxpayers as well), who excel in academic or many professionals fields including medicine, and some of these brilliant professionals are 'invited' back to Malaysia to contribute to Malaysia.
One can take 10 years to develop a country or 100 years as you wish, and look around some Asian countries today and it is not difficult to find out why……….Who makes the difference - good or bad - it is only human.
We should think of contribution to the global and not confine to a country which will certainly widen our horizon and contribution to humanity.
If we really feel better that we must serve, we might as well consider ourselves as global citizens.
Pak Lah has been derelict in his duty and appears to be incompetent.
Current events in Malaysia speak of a government that is out of control because of Pak Lah's lack of leadership. Each time something of major public concern occurs, he hides behind the scene and lets his ministers or some other person manage the problem.
A good leader will come out in the open and lead from the front not the back.
It is not proper for the government to tell the Bar Council, the country's best legal brains, what to do when its so-called law minister does not even understand the basic notion of natural justice.
The Election Commission is another tool of the government when it is supposed to be fair and neutral. How can it claim to be an election commission when everyone knows that the electoral boundaries are so biased and skewed against democracy? Is it any wonder that the Barisan always wins the elections?
The other crucial factor is the bureaucracy, those public servants who are under the people's payroll.
In Japan, for example, you see this separation of the bureaucrats and the politicians clearly. So no matter who forms the Japanese government, the bureaucracy is able to function effectively and smoothly and in fact there is even a joke that you don't need the politicians to run the country in Japan.
The government is so used to deceit and doublespeak that it is unable to think straight and that is why it is full of contradictions. Take for example, the shameful keris waving matter. Now they are coming out and saying that it will be a permanent part of their political culture.
Western kings and princes have a ceremonial sword as part of their attire but we don't see their politicians waving swords at their political meetings do we?
But in Malaysia, reminiscent of Hitler's Nazi youth groups, can do it and we know the outcome of such behaviour years later.
The country spends untold sums of money on religion, building mosques at taxpayers expense, spending millions and millions on religious schools, yet corruption is so rampant and it affects every echelon of the economy. For years, every Malaysian knows that the traffic police are corrupt. Yet the government has not done anything to stop the corruption.
Let us face it. Call an ace an ace and a spade a spade. The Malaysia government has been in power for too long and lost its moral compass. It is lost in the jungle of greed. The only thing worse than a corrupt government official is the people who support him.
The non-malays know that Pak Lah and his cronies tell them one thing and another to their own people. They are masters of doublespeak and politicians are renowned for speaking with a forked-tongue.
More and more malays now know that only a handful of cronies take the lion's share of the nation's wealth which is meant to be distributed among them more evenly. Mahathir duped them with his plan to establish a few super rich malay tycoons.
The state of the nation is not healthy. Pak Lah's administration has failed the moral test. He himself has failed the test that he established himself. Judged by his own standards and words, he has failed. Tell me the truth, work with me, yak, yak, yak, but what do we get? The opposite! And now that the Bar Council has told him the truth - he scolds them. Shish.
Let us face the truth. Politicians are not royalty born to lead. They are given the chance to lead. Take away Pak Lah's role and what is he? Look at the high and mighty Mahathir. Where is he now?
The Malay Dilemma was a myth created by Mahathir to exploit the psyche of a victim's complex innate in the malays of yesteryears. But cunning Mahathir made it out that the British and the Chinese put the malays at a disadvantage. And after 50 years of Umno rule, what have changed?
Malaysians should not be stupid but angry that their country is being exploited by the people they elected to benefit them. It took a long time to get 5000 people to sign the petition to the King. It should have taken five minutes! Or five days.
But if I announce a free porn video, be sure I will have 500000 people sign up. The young in Malaysia had better wake up and start to do something about their country, about their future.
Don't be fooled by the politicians who say the Chinese are the enemy, the Indians are the enemy, the Malays are the enemy. There is only one enemy. The one who is corrupt. Everyone else is your friend.
Save Malaysia and take part in every activity that you can and vote out the corrupt politicians to make your country a better place.
Remember your future is in your hands and don't blame anyone if you suffer because you made the wrong choice. The last time many of us were fooled - but once bitten, twice shy. Do I need to say more?
Dear honyang,
You are right to say that the state of our media is in a mess. This is nothing new, and for that reason I have stop buying all these newspapers long time ago. I suggest we read free newspaper like the Sun and browse thru the newspapers online. If everybody are persistent on this matter we can make some dent on their pockets.
Dear julee and fong,
We have been treated like 2nd class citizens long time ago. They have split us not into Malay (Bumiputra), chinese, Indian and others line but rather into BNputra and others. Those from UMNO, MCA, MIC are their cronies and as such enjoy special previleages in terms of economic pies and other perks. Some of them especially from UMNO are untouchables to almost any provision of laws including even murder cases. Just look at the Altantunya case for example. Their corruption cases, eventhough are so obvious, are swept under the carpet. But we the ordinary rakyat irrespective of Malay, Chinese and Indian are harrassed for slight dissent and are slapped with all kind of daily burdens including price increase, toll etc.
Dear ruyom and konek,
We must hit UMNO at the place where they will suffer the most. Why UMNO? Because they are the real brain behind all the mess we are in today. Other political parties are only UMNO's stooges. The people march recently reared the ugly faces of UMNO leaders, by reading the comments they made, and as such is portent enough to cause them some pain.....
Dear san and reek,
I received my degree from overseas and my postgraduate degree from a local university. Even during that time ie late nineties, the freedom of our universities are already in tatters. During the last few years we have witnessed how our universities being raped by UMNO under the guise of University and College University Act (AUKU). Under this act, students are not allowed to be involved in politics (read politics other than BN). The double standards are so obvious. At the same time Putera and Puteri UMNO are free to roam in these places recruiting students and organising various programs for the benefit of UMNO. We saw in the last campus election how they make use of the students and universities' administrators and lecturers in order to secure their victory. THe way things are done is exactly a copy cat of what they did in the general election namely money politics, bribery, intimidation etc. We need to overhaul this country before we can overhaul our education system. It is a futile attempt to change anything with the kind of rotten leaders we have at the moment. Inthe meantime, our standard of education continue to plunge further.....
Dear fargowin and yuking,
While it is good for you to be away from all the mess in the country, but remember not everybody have that luxury to do so. Afterall this is our "tanah tumpah darah", a place we called home. Running away from problem is not going to solve anything (sounds familiar). We need to face all these despots instead. If we study history, clearly we can see how a nation rise and fall. And I can assure you that UMNO is on the verge of falling. But of course it is not as simple as ABC. Normally people who are long in power will not give them up easily. They will use whatever at their disposal to ensure just that. It is the rakyat who must be consistent and persistent in their demand for a truly democractic and fair society. Our only option is to face all these jokers if we ever want to achieve these noble objectives. Period.
Anak Bapa
I suspect the postings you replied to are from one and same person looking at the time. Anyway it's good that you have taken time to respond to them for I believe those are common grievances of the people.
I salute you for bringing your whole family to the rally. Some people may want to charge you for endangering your children's lives and even want your children to be rehabilitated. How dare they even think of that! I think that's the best education your children can have on what it means to stand up for what is right and to be a responsible citizen who loves his/her country.
Having said the above, I do feel ashamed as I don't think I have reached that stage yet. Though I participated in the rally, I was not prepare to bring my children along. I don't think I'm even prepare to do so in future as well. Well, I'm a Chinese and I don't think any Chinese in that rally brought their children along. Whereas I observed a no. of Malays did.
Well, I guess for any change for the better to happen in this country, the Malays will have to take the lead as they had on 10-Eleven. I just hope that the other races will play a significant supporting role.
Dear Isp,
I'm relieved to hear a Chinese Malaysian with such wisdom. I can understand the difficulty the Chinese are facing under this kind of circumstances. But you know what. There are Chinese who are equally courageous in the face of onslaught from this tyrant government. Remember when Lim Guan Eng went to the rescue of a Malay girl being raped by one Chief Minister and he himself end-up in jail. And not forgetting Tian Chua who was brutalised everytime by the police when he went for the defence of Anwar. These are promising signs of people transending racial barrier for the sake of justice and fairness in our country. We must not forget our struggle for the new just and fair Malaysia is urgently required for the sake of our children irrespective of their races. I brought my children with the understanding that it is a peaceful gathering in order to meet Agong. Never for once I would endanger them with violence and rioting. You see, it is the police who are rioting and definitely not us. Our children, as the children during pre independence must see and learn what it takes to struggle for justice and equality. One day I hope you'll do the same to your children and more of your friends will join in this noble cause ......
Anak Bapa
I admire your eloquence in both languages (Malay & English). I'm sure there are many more Malays like you. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the Malays have very poor command of English and this has worked to their disadvantage.
I have Malay graduates coming for interview for clerical position. I really felt sorry for them and angry at the Govt for producing unemployable graduates.
I feel the Govt's policies such as the NEP is meant to keep the Malays in servitude. They want the Malays to continue to depend on them.
I believe the Malays can become towering Malays w/o all these crutches. The Malaysian I most admired is the late Tun Suffian. He was just a poor kampung boy. Yet without policies such as the NEP, he rose to the position of the Lord President of the then Supreme Court. His wisdom, integrity and intellect was second to none.
The country needs more people like you Anak Bapa to take the message to the Malay heartlands. The message of fairness and justice to all irrespective of races and religions. The message that the it's time for the ruling party to go. That we need not fight over a shrinking pie but work together as a nation to enlarge our pie.
Btw, I prefer to be known as a Malaysian Chinese. I'm a Malaysian first, a Chinese second.
Finally my latest Malaysian hero is not the guy we spent RM90 million to send to space but Amri, the guy with only one leg but nevertheless walked with all concerned citizens on 10-Eleven.
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